Wednesday 2 March 2011

IPR presentation begins

The daunting task of the IPR group presentation begins and in my group are:

Ruth Anderson, Emilie Hickling the researchers of the group, Aimee Rowe-Best who will be creating a brand that can be sold to our desired culture with me and finally the campaign managers Rosie Beck and Caitie Parrott.

We have decided to try and sell an idea rather than a product. Under the guise of the Oceanic Presevation Society we will attempt to implement a well thought out campaign that raises awareness and a change of opinion for Japanese people. They have been led to believe that the brutal culling of dolphins is necessary as they are pests consuming too many fish in the sea.

The first task is for the researchers to glean as much information as possible about previous campaigns, Japanese culture and the theoretical side of Interculural PR. By Tuesday we hope to be able to move onto the brand, creating a brand that can be welcomed and sold to the Japanese.

Check out each persons blog as the project progresses.

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