Monday 14 March 2011

Friday 11th March

Today we had our first group meeting since we have established the main idea and the research to go with it. First point of call was to check everyone was happy and knew exactly what they were doing. Once this was established we moved onto discussing the ideas we had had. As the meeting progressed and the knowledge that we had gleaned was discussed, we were able to establish that we were aiming to high when we wanted to convert the whole of Japan into dolphin loving policy changing people. Therefore we changed it to policy changes in Taiji and that would be the focus of the first leg of the campaign. After much more discussion we looked at what we could do as the staples of the pitch. We wanted to make sure that what we said got noticed, we came up with the idea of a pitch document that would be created by those who were not doing the talking on the day of the presentation: Aimee, Rosie and Emilie. Not because we don't want their lovely voices heard, we felt that the voice of LBB, our PR consultancy, would be much more fluent if three people spoke, one from each team.

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